Yes, Chicken Little – The Sky IS Falling …

| February 16, 2013

Comet-KohoutekComets, meteors and pretty much anything going on in the sky has always been fascinating to me.

Seeing a full moon during the day when I was 5 years old or so left an impression. Up to then I thought it only came out at night. That hooked me.

I remember Kohoutek When I was entering middle school in ’73.

Kohoutek was the first comet I had ever seen. It wasn’t as spectacular as the news hype, but pretty cool. And of course getting to see Hale-Bop back in ’97 was just even more amazing. It lasted so very long as that big, fuzzy blob that dominated the night sky.


Something is always happening up there. I see meteors quite often. But that one that impacted in Russia last night was quite shocking when all the videos started popping up on youtube and the like.

meteorite-RussiaThe point is – something is always dropping from the sky. It’s quite a show to just sit and observe the night sky if you can get out a ways from the glow of city lights.

Don’t worry – it’s nothing to be alarmed at …

I once stepped outside back in the late 90s and saw a very bright flash that lasted only seconds but lit up the sky bright as day. It streaked in for a few seconds and then – POW ! When I told my Grandad about it the following day he said it “was nothin'” … he had seen things just like that several times in his life growing up on the rural farm at night.

sylacauga_meteorite_hits_womanI remember reading a newspaper story when I was a kid about how a meteor went through a woman’s roof back in the 1950s and hit her in the stomach – leaving a big bruise. Must have been a very small one …

If that ever happens to you – it will mean a nice pile of cash since collectors are paying well for genuine space rocks. And that odds are it will happen to you more likely than winning the state lottery …

Keep watching the skies. Best show anywhere …

Category: Tony Rollo Blog

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