Who’s the biggest bully of all ?
I’m getting pretty tired of these new anti-bully campaigns …
It’s just the new “flavor of the month” money raiser and book selling sensation.
Bullies are not new – they are the subject of classic television and even classic literature. There is one way to deal with a bully head on. We all know what that is and that it is all they will understand.
There is a much common bully out there – who put themselves in a position of authority to which you cannot face the bully as it should be properly taken care of – and those bullies KNOW THAT …
What if the bully is your teacher ?
VERY common – especial in these times. VERY common when I was back in school.
Then there was the more common indifferent teachers who just saw it as a job and went through the motions to get a paycheck. At least they were not so damaging.
What was rare was the wonderfully involved teachers I did know. They loved the inquisitive mind of a kid. They were patient and kind yet strict and disciplined. I couldn’t wait to get to school and was sad to leave at the end of the day. It was fun to learn from those teachers !
Then there is the common, miserable at their own life bully teacher. Those who actually hate children yet hate working with adults even more. They get tenure and no one can ever get rid of them.
How many lives and self-esteems were permanently damaged by these monsters of hatred ?
I was surprised to see an article about it –> HERE
This is a terrible problem in public (government) schools that is obviously getting worse.
These bully-teachers even bully other teachers ! More subtle than with the kids – more manipulative. How do I know this? Is this just opinion? No – this is direct knowledge from teachers themselves. I would rather do uplifting feature documentaries about heroic Americans – not expose’ … but maybe there is a calling for me to do more than fluff and happy stories?
Why is it getting worse ?
Because of the increasing mentality of how conflict is NOT dealt with.
Those in authority MAY THINK they solve conflict – but they actually exacerbate the conflict. The appearance of resolution rather than substance of resolution.
In other words – just looking busy is better than actually achievement. This is taught to students as example who grow up to be “just do enough to look like you deserve a paycheck” underachieving adults.
Here is the school playground scene:
A bully picks on another kid – that kid does what only a bully understands … the authority figure tells the kids they do not care what it is about or who started it (of course it’s just “kid stuff” to her and of not an importance to an adult) and commands to JUST STOP FIGHTING …
That is the easiest (and laziest) way for the adult in charge to end the situation. They wouldn’t get anything out of looking for a resolution or who the culprit is. That would take effort – and the paycheck wouldn’t be any bigger because of it. This adult may not be a classic bully – but she is aiding and abetting the bully by willful inaction.
There is NO conflict resolution … the bully learns how to get away with tormenting others ! the bully has a wonderful opportunity to now torment other students freely for the rest of the school year – and life … torment the one picked on with looks … snickers … finger pointing … whatever else … as the tension festers.
Grades fall – health declines – the love for life is compromised.
Girls are especially prone to being bullies – and it’s not always the “tough guy” who is the bully !
Researchers from Duke University in North Carolina have actually proven that bullying weakens the immune system.
This is how conflict is dealt with in modern society.
“Just don’t do it” – which goes against logic and human nature.
And then these bullies who get a free reign over others grow up to be teachers, police officers, bureaucrats and any other position of authority they can squeeze into in order to feed their sadistic appetites.
Believe me – if you are a student in a public school with any kind of creative mind – you are inquisitive – you think in a way that makes a stand-out success in a Free America – they will hate you and do what they can to suppress you. They want robots. They do not want to be questioned.
You will fit in the box or be forced to fit in the box.
What is the best answer to this ? Home Education.
Then there are the bullies who do not see themselves as bullies.
Those are the DO-GOODERS – prohibitionists – temperance pushers – “Equalists” – those who know better than you do about yourself. Those who seek to justify a paycheck by interfering. Commonly doing the exact opposite from their intention. Yet – they are still bullies all the same.
Don’t allow bullies to force you to live in the box …
or you will become the box !
Category: Tony Rollo Blog