Is Our Purpose In Life Determined ?

| April 2, 2018 | 3 Comments

The great question is if we have a destiny and purpose? While we have a destiny for us – we also have freedom of choice. Freedom to choose to not follow what burns in our heart or to work to follow what our desires push us to accomplish.

hans christian anderson tony rollo editHans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) Danish poet and novelist once said –

“Every man’s life is a fairy-tale
written by God’s fingers.”

God’s fingers who wrote our story from the beginning is the deliberate idea He writes for our purpose …

It is up to us to first – find out what burns in our heart to do with our talents and desires.

Then – to ask ourselves how we can utilize His purpose to fit into this life and world – thus to be happy and fulfill our purpose … or to fail Him who wrote our purpose by accepting a mediocracy for our life …

It is our choice after all …

We are not all called to be a Sir Richard Branson or a George Washington. We may be called to be the best employee at something we find interesting or to the honorable ability to provide building a stable family. Regardless of the calling we individually feel from an early age, is there not a purpose to life? If we find ourselves in a later year in our life and suddenly realize our true calling – there is always opportunity.

There is always time to get started.

Category: Tony Rollo Blog

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  1. Jim Sandman says:

    So true, Tony… Thanks for the reminder of this great truth.

  2. tony says:

    Thanks Jim –

    I felt compelled to make such a comment as it is the birthday of John Harrison …

    I should do an article about John Harrison – The British genius who built the first precision clock which solved navigation for sailing the seven seas back in the 1700s…

    I do – in fact – believe the universe is simply God’s pocket watch :-)

  3. tony says:

    A further thought on this subject … Something very real –

    There is a very talented man who became the General Manager of a restaurant here in the town where I live – my young daughter works there as I appealed to her that she would glean a great experience working in fast food as a first job.

    This man came into the scene and things began to change for the better. The employees became happier and worked more diligently. Customers began to make positive comments and were thankful.

    This certain man took a troublesome unit of this certain chain of a fast food company and not only made it a fun place to work but improved its income.

    He hired new staff of younger people to work there. He always has a positive attitude and pushes his employees to have fun while working hard to please their customers.

    His purpose in life goes beyond being the boss at a restaurant – but to inspire his young workers. When my daughter arrives for her shift, the other workers cheer for her to be there.

    This example proves that whatever we do to make a living – that is merely a catalyst for our real purpose. Our real calling lives in the jobs we have.

    This man may be the manager of a restaurant – but is a living example of how to inspire people. They are his employees as well as his customers – but all gain something more because he is applying his greater calling.

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