Requiem For A Beloved Pet – Rest In Peace My LG G3 Smartphone (true humor)

| April 24, 2018 | 2 Comments

It’s always a sad day when a beloved pet goes to that big doghouse in the sky. My pet smartphone just died after years of loyalty. My LG G3 that was so loyal and trouble free up to that terrible day!

LG G3 tech drawing

It left me in a lurch while I was driving and listening to “Comedy 800” KBFP radio out of Bakersfield, California just a few moments before I arrived at the HQ of a music company where I would need convenient communication to let the guy I was there to meet with know I had arrived and meet me in the lobby.

Suddenly – I had to resort to the old fashioned and embarrassing method of walking in the front door to announce my arrival to the receptionist !!! And – to also be forced to sit in the rack of chairs in the reception area like I was a plebe shopping a demo tape while reading outdated issues of Mix magazine!

My beloved pet LG G3

No big problem all things considered. I am always diligent in backing up my smartphone weekly to a computer. This includes photos, videos and all those sound files I record daily making voice notes of ideas and people who want to give me their contact info I meet.

LG G3 help me pleaseI was not at fault at the moment of demise.

However – I could have possibly been responsible for causing overheating the device as I found it convenient to stick the phone overhead in the car visor to listen better and may have caused less air to flow around the phone. Maybe?

I kept the phone in a nice, leather folding case bought on a trip in Korea. I didn’t throw it around. I didn’t treat it with “kit gloves” either. It was a tough, solid beast that replaced countless devices I regularly used in my daily life. From an alarm clock to a sound pressure meter to a waveform function generator to a voice recorder to a chess board to kill time when needed to a note pad and to everything in between…

Yet – after years of trouble free use, my beloved LG G3 decided to crash and refuse to restart. Even the experts at the Sprint store could not figure out why. The great tech sites and Android gurus had no idea why. With all my years of field engineering – I have no freaking idea! My virtual pet’s death seemed to be quite unique.

I never had the dreaded “black screen of death”. Never had the other screens of death either – it just tries to boot up and freezes. Stops at the “Sprint Spark” screen …

LG G3 insideLast year – I hacked my daughter’s LG G3 after it quit from excessive processor heat when she went crazy over youtube videos and streaming music – driving the poor snapdragon processor into thermal runaway.

I created a heat sink with aluminum foil that not only provided a way to absorb heat – but also hold a little pressure in the housing allowing the processor to regain connection on the circuit board. It worked for a few months and then went to the point of no return – obviously the surface mounted CPU had developed cold soldier joints. So it was replaced by an LG V20 which she still uses to this day – responsibly … The LG V20 is awesome! I dreamed of the day I would upgrade to a V20 – but my G3 was still loyal and faithful to me. Why loose a good pet while it is still alive and so loyal to me?

And then – my crash – No problem … I had just made a backup of data two days before the crash.

warhol in astonishmentExcept for one thing:

My phone contacts!

All those private numbers one gets moving and shaking around Nashville circles!


Private numbers where promises were made never to share them. Secret numbers exchanged to enable instant results.

Double YIKES!

Then – as I was trying to appreciate my new replacement of an LG V30+ over the weekend because the V20 was no longer being made … reload the apps that were so useful from memory while perusing the app store – sinking hours of weekend time when I could be spending more useful time watching my ROKU on the youtube channel for new conure parrot videos or streaming forgotten episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 … adjusting the look and feel – complaining to myself this new smartphone was just too dang colorful … something interesting happened.

I began receiving calls from several of those super secret numbers as I usually did from time to time with those wanting to “keep in touch”. I started learning that there are those who I have regular meaningful business and friendly relationships from and I realized that a lot of the other contact numbers were just esoteric.

I suddenly had a realization in the order of an epiphany !!!

Lately, I have been trying to clean out a lot of stuff that has been just sitting around or in storage. A custom wired Marshall stack unused for years. Percussion instruments collecting dust. A 1978 ARP Odyssey I bought new after having the job of washing Post Office trucks for a year and saving every penny towards that purchase. A LOT of good crap that had use back in the day – but is just modern dust collectors to me now. Someone else would appreciate it and use it.

LG G3 colorsAlso – a lot of other stuff needs to go. A lot of stuff that could only be put in the trash bin. Of course – because I have to make room for all those vinyl records I find here and there entering my record collection.

Suddenly I realized that phone contacts are the same. Some of them need to just go in the digital trash heap. A lot of them I kept so when the caller ID came up – I would know when NOT to answer the phone. That may be the only tragic loss to my database of phone contacts.

So – if time goes by and if you are one of those who haven’t heard from me in a while and are wondering why?…. Your number was eaten by technology – for the good or the bad! Maybe you should call me? Maybe not?

It may be a good thing to clean out our cluttered closet from time to time on our smartphone contact list … or just wait for our phones to die and then just move on.

Believe it or not – as many know me as a tech guru and “mad scientist” (as once Cowboy Joe introduced me to Sonny James at the June Carter Cash funeral as the local Nashville “mad scientist”)That LG G3 was my first smartphone! For good reason

smartphones are toys animationUntil that time for me, smartphones were just toys.

The LG G3 was the first phone IMHO that was the first real useful smartphone device.

It proved its worth over years of pleasure and reliable service. I am loyal to LG. I had an LG flip phone many years ago that was bullet proof. All LG devices I have owned never broke or had problems. This included the V700 tablet I still use for everything from games to script prompting when recording voice parts in my booth.

Let’s just see if this LG V30+ serves me as well. So far so good! It’s just so dang colorful!!!


Category: Tony Rollo Blog

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  1. Cuzun says:


  2. Eljin says:

    Thank you so much!

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