The Dragon Year Comes to a Close / Hello Snake
A working holiday.
Whenever I have the opportunity to work, that’s like a vacation to me. So, it’s been a nice vacations indeed.
Like LT Cmdr Scott in the original Star Trek series who relaxes by reading technical journals in the ship’s recreation room while others waste time with card games –
I can dig that …
The past dragon year lived up to its reputation – so we will see if the snake will also follow suit. It will be a time when many people (especially in leadership) will be convinced to take a very wrong and destructive path to the dismay of those who are of reason. Ride with it – that’s all we can do in these kind of times.
This is the time when lots of media services and programs look back at the past year and remember those who passed.
The best example is TCM as they randomly run their retrospective short film every year at the end of December honoring those in the Motion Picture Industry who passed in the last year.
I do find it interesting that “the world” tends to always look back at things that have already passed by.
There is a difference between looking at the past in a historical sense and “looking back”. Looking back in the biblical sense that turns one into a pillar of salt as opposed to studying the past to discern cause and effect.
Everyone should be familiar with the saying “You can never go home again” and the principle behind it. So true. Home is not a physical location.
You can’t put toothpaste back in the tube. That’s a better way to say it.
Opened Pandora’s Box …
How can we keep the boy down on the farm once he’s seen Paris? (A WWI reference)
Tasting the forbidden fruit …
Crossing the point of no return …
Untie a pretzel …
Innocence lost …
… and so on –
… ad nauseum infinitum …
How many times have people given into curiosity that opposes better judgment to then wish they had never looked in the first place ? A kind of regret that is shared by everyone – yet at the same time by no one else.
However, the truth of our decisions are additive and lead over time to a summation. Just as a tree bears fruit.
Sweet or bitter – The fruit we bare today comes from seeds planted years before.
The beauty of a free market society is each individual is free to engineer their lives in the way they wish.
Some are driven to build and make a great public sound while others are driven to labor and enjoy a quiet corner in the world.
However – in a world of intervention, there is always someone who knows what is better for someone else than the individual does. It is always “for their own good” that the “do-gooders” in a “world of progress” usurp power over others.
Intervention forced upon others by those who believe they know better than anyone else.
This is what this year of the snake has in store for us.
Fasten your seat belts and hang on !
Happy New Year !!!
Category: Tony Rollo Blog