Happy New Laws ~ Don’t be Ignorant !

| January 3, 2013

While I completely understand the concept of law enforcement and how it protects freedom in a civilized nation …

That said –

Every year it seems to become harder and harder to be

“a law abiding citizen”

You may be a criminal and not know it !

It’s not law enforcement’s fault – it’s the legislators. Police have a hard enough time without having to be expected to enforce weird laws.

Be aware that in your state, there are new laws now in effect as it is the new year …

And as the saying goes – “ignorance of the law is no excuse” !

There are 1400 new federal laws and almost 30,000 new state laws out there that just went into effect – so you’d better get busy and learn ’em !

In Illinois, it is now illegal to “pop a wheelie” on a motorcycle … as well as selling a shark’s fin.

However, a motorcycle is now allowed to run a red light in Illinois.

While in Florida, it is legal ONCE AGAIN to flash your headlights to warm oncoming drivers of a speed trap ahead.

I remember a time in Florida where they charged over $1000 extra to register a car in Florida that came from another state. This is now been declared unconstitutional and struck down … however –

I had a younger cousin who lived on their farm near the Georgia border and needed a work truck for the farm and to run errands like hauling manure from nearby farms. He found an old banger just across the line in Georgia – literally 4 miles away – and bought it for $75.00 …

BOY Howdy ! Was he surprised to discover he was now compelled to pay an extra $1000 to the state because it came from another state – 4 miles away.

Only FOUR CATS are allowed in any household in a certain town in Kansas.

My question is – who would want a cat in their house in the first place ? But I’m a “dog person” and don’t believe in dogs inside the house either. A good doghouse with hay and they’re happy as … uh … dogs ~ !

Starting now – there is a plastic bottle smuggling opportunity in Concord, Massachusettes since it is now illegal to sell plastic bottles. What about possession of plastic bottles ?

I thought plastic saves the environment ? That’s what they used to tell us – back when they taught us that we were going into an ice age … whoopsee !

If you happen to have a wild hog – don’t let him go in Kentucky !

California seems to have the most strange laws now on the books – most of them seem to have something to do with s*x … but there are a few your dog needs to know –

It is now illegal for your dog
to chase a bear or bobcat anytime in California. Better make sure your dog knows the law !

Film Producers in California now have to get permission from a pediatrician before filming a child under the age of one month.

If you steal more than $1000 worth of grease in North Carolina will be charged with a felony.

That one brings up a few lines of bad humor in my mind – but I just refuse to go there …

Tennessee has their share of new laws.

A PILE of ’em !

If you are over 59 years old in Tennessee, you have to have a picture of yourself on your driver’s license … they used to be exempt … everyone used to be exempt … not now. This caused complaints that those with “mobility problems” would have trouble complying … if someone has “mobility problems” and can’t drive a car – what do they need a driver’s license for in the first place ?!?

There is a complete list of new Tennessee laws if anyone is interested.

Remember: IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE as they tell us !

There are also some wonderful laws on the books in Tennessee that are interesting:

It is illegal for students to hold hands in school.

It is illegal for grocery stores to sell wine and illegal for liquor stores to sell tobacco products.

It is a crime to share your Netflix password in Tennessee.

You can’t sell hollow logs.

It is illegal to to post images online that cause “emotional distress” “without legitimate purpose”. So make sure in Tennessee that you have a legitimate purpose to post disgusting images that will emotionally distress someone.

While it is illegal to lasso a fish in Tennessee, you can shoot a whale from a moving vehicle – but you cannot shoot any other type of animal from any moving vehicle.

It is illegal to commit a “crime against nature” in Tennessee.

The definition of “dumb animal” in Tennessee includes every living creature.

Is it the government’s job to protect us from ourselves ?

Or – are governments (American) by design, restrained to only do the job of protecting our individual rights?

And rights = responsibilities of course.

Let’s face it – elected office and government positions attract some real bafoons that could not make it very well in the real world. It also attracts those with ulterior motives, sure.

There are also those who feel called to make governing what it should be for all Americans. These are the real statesmen.

We want to live our lives in safety and freedom

… but we have to keep our eyes open.

Maybe it’s not “ignorance of the law” that we should be concerned about, rather “ignorance of the lawmakers” !

Category: Tony Rollo Blog

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