Tesla and his Amazing Energy Machines will Enable New Engergy Sources to Actually Work

| January 8, 2013

Tesla is the perfect example of how better ideas can become a problem …

A problem to established industries that would become obsolete if a better idea is made available to the public to use.

If it was up to Edison, we would never had AC power.

I believe the modern solar energy industry is experiencing the very same struggles as Edison had with Tesla’s AC power machines.

We have not had a modern Tesla come forward with a discovery to how to make solar power feasible.

“Solar Farms” will not work. There is way too much expense and size involved to make it a viable replacement for the way we have been generating power.

We need a modern Tesla to come forward with a way to transmit the power generated by solar energy to really work in an economical and technically implementable way.

Edison was deeply invested into DC power – which enormous power stations were needed to power just one block of a city.

Edison fought against AC power which was clearly superior to power cities.

Edison was really a tinkerer rather than an inventor. Tesla was the true innovator which tinkerers who tinker together systems that really do not work except to line their pockets … but that’s another debate …

However, I believe there is a key somewhere in Tesla’s “free energy” experiments.

We need to find a way to apply Tesla’s innovations today.

Category: Tony Rollo Blog

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