The Dog and the Shadow / Let Him Who Has Ears; Hear

| January 9, 2013

– from Aesop

A Dog, crossing a bridge over a stream with a fresh bone in his mouth,

saw his own shadow in the water and thought it was another dog, with a tasty looking bone that looked double his own bone in size.

The dog immediately let go of his own bone, and fiercely attacked the other dog to get his larger bone from him.

He thus lost both bones:

… that which he grasped at in the water, because it was only a shadow;

… and his own bone, because the stream swept it away.


Do people really learn from these stories or the parables of wisdom ?

Some do. The majority do not.

Beware those who seek to take away from others for the sake of an imagined “greater good”.

Because they are actually stealing from themselves and you.

It is simple jealousy taken to a dangerous level.

The historical results are generations of poverty, misery and totalitarianism that ironically is the opposite of what they perceive to be true.


When you squeeze the nobility, it’s the peasants who feel the pinch.

– Dragonheart

Category: Tony Rollo Blog

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