An Open Appeal To Charles Krauthammer – In These Last Few Weeks – Speak Your Mind Into An Audio Recorder

| June 11, 2018 | 0 Comments

Charles Krauthammer 1

Charles Krauthammer 4Mr Charles Krauthammer –

Your message to us all about your condition is painful to us. We all appreciate it.

Please do this for us –

Take an audio recorder – a smart phone – dictaphone – whatever is your preference …. speak into it. Record your thoughts. Give us your final thoughts and instructions.

Record in audio your thoughts … You have the luxury now to tell us all your true intelligent thoughts. Let it flow.

You could fill hours of recording tape in this time with your most highest and deepest wisdom which in the past you had to guard and curate in the past. Now – you can let it out.

Do that honest flow of thought for us all. Just bleed your intellect as a musician improvises on a theme and creates in the moment of a jam session. Amaze us.

If you indeed have only a few weeks left to this life, please – let your thoughts flow. Record them into an audio recording device. Let your most trusted editor arrange your words into a book for us to read.

Let us know your deepest thoughts – unfettered. You now have no obligation to be polite or hold back. Please be bold and say everything that you can say and feel the need to be finally said in these days you have been forseen by your doctors.

Please see that you have been given a new freedom to be more honest than you have ever been. Please give us all your unfettered wisdom now. You have been given a gift of living where you have a limit of time. Please use this to let your thoughts flow so we may benefit and embrace your legacy of wisdom.

Give us a true gift of your wisdom. Give us the deepest thoughts you can muster.

Thanks so much.

Washington Post

Washington Post

Category: Tony Rollo Blog

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