A Conversation about America between Stephen Fry and Craig Ferguson on the CBS Late, Late Show

| September 2, 2013 | 0 Comments

jpegWho are those two people you may ask ?

Stephen Fry would be well known to you if you were living in the UK and had been keeping your television license paid up.

Or maybe listen to Harry Potter on audio book. The last I saw of him was driving badly on an episode of UK’s TOP GEAR program.

Geoff-the-robotCraig Ferguson is that guy who talks to a robot late at night on television. He also became a citizen of the United States just a few years ago.

Both are originally from the UK. Both now live in Southern California.

Fry appeared on Ferguson’s very late television show and actually said some honest things about America from one particular British point of view …

Category: Tony Rollo Blog

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